Monday, November 17, 2008

Once Again... Continued!

So the next pet of mine I’m going to blog about is Klyde, my goldfish. I got him last year for my birthday, along with his girlfriend Bonnie. (Recently deceased, R.I.P. sad day…) So yes, clever naming, I know. Anyway, they’ve been on quite the adventure, those two! Last fall, starting in October when I got them, they kept me not only entertained, but also sane while I went through my classes. While I studied abroad in Florence, Italy last semester, my current roommate and then dorm mate Dave took care of my little babies, and they kept him sane as well. Apparently goldfish swimming have the power to calm nerves while you’re stressed out with homework and classes? That’s what I’ve learned, and if you are currently stressed out with classes or school work, let me recommend to you a pet fish for your desk =) So, after that spring semester, while Dave and I were home for our short summers break, Sue Chamberlain my old head resident in the Main Street Suites took care of Bonnie and Klyde. But, funny story – when my roommate left them there for Sue to take care of, one of the girls who was staying in the dorm over the summer thought they were abandoned, and took them into her room from the main lobby where they were residing. Sue, who has been taking care of them, freaked out and thought about ways to repay me for the lost tank and fish. (She even went so far as to look up tanks similar to mine online!) But eventually, though random conversation and by strokes of luck, she found out that the girl had them in here room and she got them back safely. From there, she moved them to her desk in Admissions for the rest of the month. Come June, Dave and I went to visit Sue and re-claimed Bonnie and Klyde, as sad as Sue was to see them go. They then were moved to my desk at my full time summer internship at, and they were a huge hit! Everyone loved them, and always came by to see how they were doing. In addition to this, Dave adopted a beta fish from Sue who was left at the end of the year by a student who moved out of the Suites. We named the newcomer Sonic, after the large nation-wide auto group we just signed for SEO and SEM at Dealer. =) So, there they remained, for the duration of the summer. But, one fateful day when I returned from South Africa on a trip for the EMC, I came home to horrible news. About a week before I was going to bring them home for the fall semester, Bonnie had died. =\ She had always been the “runt of the litter”, so to speak, and Klyde had always bullied her to get more of the food share… sad, sad day. Anyway, after the summer ended, I took Klyde home to my apartment, and he now resides on my desk in my room, keeping me sane one again. His favorite activities? Swimming in circles around his plants, forgetting things every three seconds, swimming against the current of his water filter like in Finding Nemo, and of course, eating goldfish flakes. =) May my darling Klyde long keep me sane!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Introduction, Continued...

So next up is Canela, my chocolate lab. I must admit, this pup is an absolute handful! We got her my freshman year of college, basically I came home to find out we had another dog! Canela, as some Spanish whizzes might know, is Spanish for Cinnamon. The reasoning behind her name is, well, she’s from Mexico! We actually didn’t name her; we adopted her from a family in Hamden, CT whose house and backyard weren’t big enough for the ambitious little pup. They had family south of the border, and when their dogs had puppies they had one of them sent up through customs for their kids as a Christmas present. But, since they’d only had toy poodles in the past, they didn’t realize that labs needed much more room and attention than most dogs, and so a friend of the family who knew them though work set us up with the adoption, and within two days she had become ours. =) Her favorite things to do are to follow you around the house (she is quite loyal), beat up on my other two dogs because she has Napoleon complex as the smallest of the three, and guard the front door and bark as passing people, squirrels, leaves, wind, basically anything. She also likes to pretend like she’s a bad ass, but she’s really just a puppy who has a lot to learn.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Intoduction To My Beloved Pets...

So I have decided to blog about my super fun kitty and his friends, aka my other pets! I have a total of five wonderful pets: Mootsie, my darling cat, Utah, Moab and Canela, my three Labrador Retrievers, my goldfish Klyde, and my hamster Puff. I hope that when you're done reading about them, you'll come to find how super awesome my pets are, and why everyone should have wonderful pets in their lives!

The star of the show, Mootsie, is my tabby cat. My family got him in 1999, when I was in 6th grade. As a standard tabby, he has quite the beautiful coat (or so my mother thinks) , and he got his name from a mountain bike: Moots. Over the years, he has not become the most friendly cat in the world; he doesn't like cuddling or being picked up. Actually, all he really likes is to eat, sleep, and hunt small critters outside. And thus, from hunting small critters (and eating them), he has gained so much weight that he weighs as much as a small dog, oooor around 20 lbs. He is a BEAST! His favorite past times? Hunting, sleeping and crying for me to open the basement door so he can get to his food in the laundry room, because you know, he hasn't eaten in five whole minutes.

My next two pets, Moab and Utah, are my yellow labradors. My family got them in 2002 for Christmas, when they were just wee little puppies. Moab, the smaller and darker of the two, is my little angel. She really is the best dog ever (in my opinion, of course!) She loves to play fetch, and is very good at returning the ball; she'll even put it in your hand for you! We even went so far as to teach her how to fetch the paper, which is awesome especially in the winter when it's freezing out! Moab got her name, once again, from a mountain biking influence. (Can you tell that my parents are obsessed with mountain biking?!) Moab is a city in Utah, and is considered the mountain biking capitol of the world. Her favorite past times are playing fetch, cuddling, and sadly... passing very VERY smelly gas.

Utah, her brother, is of course the bigger of the two yellow labradors, hence why he got to be the state, and shes just a city. =) I must admit that he is not as smart as his sister, and instead of playing fetch, he would rather sit on the deck and watch her do it. When he does decide to get up and move around, he just likes to prance like a complete goof ball. Although I must say that out of my three dogs, Utah is the best one to go running with, because for some reason even though he is highly ADD when it comes to fetching a ball, I guess he's very into taking a jog with me. Utah's favorite past times are laying on the deck, watching his sisters play fetch, licking your face, laying in very inconvenient spots, such as right in the middle of the kitchen, and of course getting all up in your grill when your trying to watch a movie and you mistakenly invite him up onto the couch to cuddle.


Canela - my chocolate labrador
Klyde - my goldfish
Puff - my hamster